Laceratory are quite frankly sick as fuck! Started in 2018 they were social distancing before it was mandated, with the band starting in Minneapolis and members all over the globe. Laceratory are a killer, brutal , death metal band that not only kicks you in the dick with sheer brutality, but the technical proficiency is on display as well. This album has that perfect combination of tuned down death metal nastiness and guttural vocals to please even the most discerning slam fan! Alternating between painfully slow chugging guitars and brain pummeling blast beats there are snippets of some serious technical skill that keeps this album from being just another brutal/ slam album. Laced with gore filled lyrics written with the blood off a butcher knife that was just used to slice a throat, I highly recommend giving Extermination of the Dissidents a listen to get your needed dose of gore, and brutality!
Review by Shawn kline