Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Lord Almighty-Paths (2016)

One thing that stand out on this album is the rock-like style. Now this isn’t a bad thing , but it's a different sounding.The music could be described as having the characteristics of black metal, though the sound is very rock-like. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It is still black metal, and it’s sound unique, though it has elements of rock in the music.The guitars are fine. They have a unique sound and while nothing special, they suit this album. The vocals are done incredibly well – they have a cold feeling to them and it fits this album fantastically. Drums are good, although a little simplistic at times. There isn’t a constant blast of drums on this album, though considering the sound and tempo of the album, that’s a good thing, enjoy this album; just take it for what it is: an individual album.Overall, Paths is a fantastic album ,  vocals are harsh yet suiting, it has a fair play-time, mind-blowing.A highly recommended purchase.!
Review by Paul Caravasi

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