Monday, January 7, 2019

Anger As Art - Fast As Fuck (2018)

After listening to Anger As Art's "Fast as Fuck", I tasted blood and was craving for more. Now the first thing you expect when listening to a live album, is bad quality, amateurish played songs that differ vastly from the CD recordings and of course a limp and pussy delivery of live announcements. Well that is of course true for most bands that show off on their albums, pretending to sound oh-so-professional, while sucking utterly and disappointing. This live album is one of those amazing live albums from a band with enough energy to reverse the universe's expansion. Upon visiting festivals/concerts/whatever, one problem always seems to arise. That problem is that most bands are rather wimpy live. Well Anger As Art don't make compromises. They seem to come onto the stage, start playing, one or two comments to the audience, but no speeches about shit people do not need to hear. Whatever they have, it's authentic, it's brutal, it's massive and coming your way. Metal is music for people who respect not only the instrumental ability, but also the other very important aspects of thrash, namely the performance, the charisma and balls Anger As Art have to offer. A great successful live album. Impressive violent fun. I like !!
Review by Paul Caravasi

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